Friday, March 7, 2014

Currents and art along the River Wye

  Ross-on-Wye -Monday 3rd March

The Wye, Ross-on- Wye - looking downstream towards castle near bridge.

From May Hill, we continued along the A40 to Ross-on-Wye. Again, the winter’s floods had receded in the valley. Even so, we found the Wye running a very strong current, comparable to how the Severn had been on its flood tide earlier in the day. Sensibly, most of the town was built on a hill. During our short walk along the river and walk back up the hill into town, we admired the three metalwork sculptures inspired by the river: mallards, swans and leaping salmon. After browsing the bookshop, we had coffee in a café. During the late afternoon, we headed into Gloucester city centre and got to the Cathedral, lit by the low setting sun. We then walked round the redeveloped docks and found a Pizza Express for our evening meal. 

Looking towards the town


Mallards - Walenty Pytel

Swans - Walenty Pytel
Leaping Salmon - Walenty Pytel  and juxtapositions of fishes

Chepstow before our journey home on Tuesday afternoon (4th March)