Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Mini Beast from the East

17th – 18th March

Saturday cold and windy, with a few snowflakes around midday; but no real snow until after dark. On Sunday morning, woke up to a blanket about 8cm deep. Snow blowing around in the cold wind, but no more falling. Once again, walked to Warsash in crampons over wellies, but didn’t really need them as the snow was slushy / melting from the roads and pavements fairly quickly. Cold hands and feet, though in the wind. Did a very rough oil pastel sketch in the park on the way down there, of a circle of snowmen. Too cold for that, nearer the water, so I kept it to photos. Certainly a turnaround from much more spring like day on Friday along the Lavant. Now lots of flowering daffs trampled by fallen snow.
Snow finally melted Tuesday and wind dropped. Equinox this week. Is that it for now?